Current COVID-19 Guidelines
With the current government guidelines for COVID-19 we have had to make a few tweaks to our program so please read carefully below. We appreciate your patience as we all adapt to the new normal!
- Pre-registration for events is essential to guarantee your spot.
- We have limited spots available so please cancel your registration if you cannot attend so that someone on the waiting list can have a go.
- If you arrive without pre-registration and the event capacity is full, unfortunately you will be turned away.
- To limit shared equipment we no longer provide wrist guards. These can be purchased from our skateshop sponsors and from our online shop.
- Skateboards and helmets are provided if needed.
- If you have you your own skateboard, helmet and safety gear we encourage you to bring them to the event.
- Regularly wash your hands and use the hand sanitiser that is provided.
- Stay at home if you are unwell. This includes feeling rundown, colds, runny or blocked nose or sore throat.
- Maintain social distancing (2x skateboards) when possible.
- We encourage downloading the COVID app.
- Our crew will regularly clean our equipment before and after events.
- Parents, guardians, spectators must stay off the skatepark during event time and are expected to maintain social distancing.